Functional Range Conditioning
Used By:
“If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.”
Mobility vs. Flexibility:
Flexibility can be defined as the amount of passive movement available across an articulation.
Mobility is defined as the extent of controllable flexibility across articulations (flexibility + strength), refers to the amount of USABLE motion that one possesses.
The main focus of FRC® is to both improve flexibility, as well as simultaneously teach the nervous system how to control the newly acquired ranges (mobility). The FRC® system also provides strategies not only for the development “simple” control, but also for developing the ability to generate power, strength, and coordination, in said ranges.
How Does FRC help with REHAB/injury prevention/Performance?
By improving mobility, it increases your ranges of motion (ROM) to develop force output (for sports, daily activities, etc.). By increasing and controlling our joint ROM, this reduces the risk of injury during movement. Improved mobility is also a vital component of agility, defined as the ability to rapidly respond to change by adapting its initial stable configuration. Thus, if we improve mobility, we increase our agility which is heavily required in most, if not all sports and functional activities.
OVERALL Joint Health:
The benefits of utilizing the Functional Range Conditioning™ mobility development system extend beyond athletic development, rehabilitative, and performance goals. In the process of developing mobility, all articular connective tissue components are strengthened, and neurological control of said tissues enhanced.
For more information about FRC® visit their website here.